The Charlotte Mason Institute
The spark of unfolding knowledge
We help educators practice relational education through curriculum, conferences, publications, training, and social media.
About the Institute
Learn more about Charlotte Mason, the institute, and our vision.
Resources for Educators
Connect with a community of educators and schools studying and sharing the practice of Mason's ideas for education.
For Alveary members
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Learn more about us
The charlotte mason institute
We are a nonprofit that seeks to research and amplify the educational theories and practices of Charlotte Mason.
We help educators practice relational education through curriculum, conferences, publications, training, and social media.
Our vision
A relational education for all students and teachers in every setting
Our Mission
To promote the principles and practices of Charlotte Mason’s design for education
Our values
Charity, Fidelity & Humility
How we help educators in homes & schools
Resources for educators
Connect with a community of educators and schools studying and sharing the practice of Mason's ideas for education.
Based on Charlotte mason's design for education
Our alveary curriculum
The Charlotte Mason Institute is proud to present Alveary: A complete and comprehensive curriculum and teacher training program for homeschools, co-ops, and schools.
Our aim is to provide a robust and modern course of study that is both true to Charlotte Mason’s model of education and relevant for 21st-century students living in the United States and Canada.
Keep up to date with our latest posts
December 12, 2024
Why Read Dystopic Novels? with Sarah-Beth Gould
Sarah-Beth Gould discusses the importance of asking students to read, think, discuss, and write about ugly and uncomfortable things.
December 10, 2024
The Charlotte Mason Archive with Dr. Carroll Smith and Dr. John Thorley
Join Dr. Smith as he sits down with Dr. Thorley, the last principal of Charlotte Mason College, to delve into the depths of the Charlotte Mason archive.
November 14, 2024
Final Thoughts on Reading Instruction (8/8)
Dr. Donna Johnson gives final thoughts on reading instruction - the essential ingredients to include and the importance of personhood.