2023 centenary conference

You’re invited to the Charlotte Mason Centenary Conference from July 19-21, 2023 in Ambleside, England and hosted by the University of Cumbria and CMI! Come continue conversations on education in the very places Miss Mason began them.

Register for Pre-conference event

Charlotte Mason’s Design for Education: An Enduring Legacy for Today?

charlotte mason 2023 conference

You’re invited to the Charlotte Mason Centenary Conference from July 19-21, 2023 in Ambleside, England and hosted by the University of Cumbria and CMI! Come continue conversations on education in the very places Miss Mason began them.

Whether you’re a homeschool educator, a classroom teacher, an academic, an author, a naturalist, new to Charlotte Mason, or a Charlotte Mason veteran, this conference is for you. Like all CMI conferences, the time will be filled with lively discussions, active learning, and beautiful experiences oriented around Charlotte Mason’s philosophy and continued relevance for today.

Each day of the conference will focus on key aspects of Mason’s philosophy–Wednesday afternoon and evening is dedicated to considering who Mason was and how her legacy has continued, Thursday is devoted to Nature, Science, and the Outdoors Life, and Friday will focus on Mason’s use of narration and the narrative throughout the curriculum.

Panel presentations and discussions, practical immersions and workshops, and

pub-style springboard chats will lay out the important ideas behind Mason’s design for education and focus on what a relational education actually looks like in practice so participants will leave with a greater sense of not only what a Charlotte Mason education is but also how to implement it in homes and classrooms and all of life. And with a warm sense of community and inspiration for the future.

Pre-conference opt-in immersions, including visits to local schools, and experiences with local and international experts are planned for several days before the conference, and the conference will conclude on Friday evening (July 21) with a community celebration featuring dramatic readings from Mason’s works and other literary and artistic contributions.

Come explore the beautiful Lake District, gather at the Armitt Museum to explore the Charlotte Mason collection or the Beatrix Potter works, and wander through green English sheep folds and the surrounding fells. The entire time will be touched by the beauty of the campus, the echo of history throughout the town, and the beckoning of the natural beauty of the region.

Affordable on-campus accommodation options are also available from July 14-July 24, 2023, for pre-conference visits and walking in the area.
Spots are limited, so register now!
The conference and accommodations are sold out.


Come continue conversations on education in the very places Miss Mason began them. The full speaker list will be posted this spring.

Nancy Kelly
Nancy Kelly
CM Veteran, Blogger
John Muir Laws
John Muir Laws
Wildlife Biologist, Author, Artist, Educator, & President of the Wild Wonder Foundation
Karen Glass
Karen Glass
Author, CM Educator, Speaker
Amy Fischer
Amy Fischer
CM Educator, Blogger
Lisa Cadora
Lisa Cadora
CM Educator, Researcher, Curriculum Writer
Sally Elton-Chalcraft
Sally Elton-Chalcraft
Professor, Director of LED
David J. Chalcraft
David J. Chalcraft
Rebekah Ackroyd
Rebekah Ackroyd
Helen Jones
Helen Jones
Lecturer, Classroom Educator
Bobby Scott
Bobby Scott
Director of ChildLight Schools
Hilary Cooper
Hilary Cooper
Emeritus Professor
Cori Dean
Cori Dean
Author, Publisher, Educator
Sara Timothy
Sara Timothy
Director of Red-Brick Academy
Joanna Stanberry
Joanna Stanberry
CM Educator, Researcher
Patrick Egan
Patrick Egan
Clapham School Academic Dean, Professor, Author
Barbara Lores
Barbara Lores
Co-Founder of Dulcis Domus Academy
Nicolle Hutchinson
Nicolle Hutchinson
Executive Director of Gillingham charter
Sean Maguire
Sean Maguire
CM Educator, Professor, Attorney
Kimbell Kornu
Kimbell Kornu
Professor, CM Dad
Weronika Ozpolat
Weronika Ozpolat
Speech & Language Therapist, CM Educator
Bethany Steventon
Bethany Steventon
CM Educator, Researcher
Sarah Collister
Sarah Collister
Audrey Southgate
Audrey Southgate
Educator, Researcher
Jason Fletcher
Jason Fletcher
Founding Headmaster of Heritage School
Leah Boden
Leah Boden
Author, Blogger, CM Educator


Pre-Conference Events

Immerse yourself in the beauty of the Lake District, visit local schools, discuss Mason's legacy and a relational education with others, dive deep into some of her key practices such as Nature Journaling, and more in these intimate pre-conference events.

Grasmere: Echoes of Mason and Wordsworth

Monday 17 July | 9:00am - 5:00pm
Kerri Forney
Kerri Forney
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Langdale Valley: Educating Out of Doors

Tuesday 18 July | 9:00am - 5:00pm
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Nature Journaling Immersion

Wednesday 19 July | 9:00am - 1:00pm
John Muir Laws
John Muir Laws
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Session Descriptions

Browse the wide variety of sessions below to prepare for the conference.

The Gift of a Charlotte Mason Philosophy: A Practical Theology of Joy in an Age of Depression and Anxiety

PANEL 1 | Wednesday 19 July | 3:30-5:00pm
Elizabeth Millar
Elizabeth Millar
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From Plato to Bacon to Coleridge

PANEL 1 | Wednesday 19 July | 3:30-5:00pm
Karen Glass
Karen Glass
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Life without Charlotte - Four Principals' Experiences (1923-1960)

PANEL 1 | Wednesday 19 July | 3:30-5:00pm
Jack Beckman
Jack Beckman
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Beyond the Bounds of Time and Place: How Charlotte Mason’s Philosophy Inherently Supports a Diverse and Vibrant 21st Century Education

PANEL 1 | Wednesday 19 July | 3:30-5:00pm
Amber O'Neal Johnston
Amber O'Neal Johnston
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Mason Education and the 21st Century: What It Looks Like and Its Results

PANEL 1 | Wednesday 19 July | 3:30-5:00pm
Nicolle Hutchinson
Nicolle Hutchinson
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Using Narration in the Classroom

Lisa Ector
Lisa Ector
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Narration to Essay: Understand, Experience, Facilitate

Sara Timothy
Sara Timothy
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Narration 3.0 - Further Up & Further In

Sara Timothy
Sara Timothy
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Education is an Atmosphere

Karen Glass
Karen Glass
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Meaning and Memory: A Second Look at the Role of Memorization in the Teachings of Charlotte Mason

Sarah Collister
Sarah Collister
Audrey Southgate
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The Power of Visual Memorisation: How to Teach Effective, Lasting Concepts in a Simple Way

Leah Boden
Leah Boden
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"We are but Torchbearers": Continuing Charlotte Mason's Legacy the Charlotte Mason Way

PANEL 2 | Wednesday 19 July | 7:15-8:45pm
Amy Fischer
Amy Fischer
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Charlotte Mason's Philosophical Premises: An Antidote to Modernist Epistemology

PANEL 2 | Wednesday 19 July | 7:15-8:45pm
Lisa Cadora
Lisa Cadora
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Charlotte Mason’s Approach to Reading the Bible and the Context and Purpose of her ‘Saviour of the World’, Part 1

PANEL 2 | Wednesday 19 July | 7:15-8:45
David J. Chalcraft
David J. Chalcraft
Sally Elton-Chalcraft
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The relevance of Charlotte Mason’s ‘Saviour of the World’: moral and biblical learning in the 21st century – part 2

PANEL 2 | Wednesday 19 July | 7:15-8:45
Sally Elton-Chalcraft
Sally Elton-Chalcraft
Helen Jones
Rebekah Ackroyd
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Why Atmosphere May Be “the Most Important Ministry of the Educator” - It May Be the Harder to Achieve

Panel 2 | Wednesday 19 July | 7:15-8:45
Bobby Scott
Bobby Scott
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Nature Study: Keep it real! Making it Happen... Consistently

PANEL 3 | Thursday 20 July | 9:00-10:30am
Sara Timothy
Sara Timothy
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Out-of-Doors Life of and for Children: Contesting environmental discourses in pedagogy and practice

PANEL 3 | Thursday 20 July | 9:00-10:30am
Joanna Stanberry
Joanna Stanberry
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Prioritising the Real: A Charlotte Mason Approach to Screens in Schools

PANEL 3 | Wednesday 19 July | 3:30-5:00pm
Jason Fletcher
Jason Fletcher
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How to Teach Nature Journaling: Reclaiming the Art of Natural History

LECTURE | Thursday 20 July | 11:00am - 12:15pm
John Muir Laws
John Muir Laws
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Narration in a Wide Curriculum: The Process & Progression

PRACTICAL IMMERSION | Friday 21 July | 2:00-5:30pm
Nancy Kelly
Nancy Kelly
Kerri Forney
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Nature Journaling in the Field, Parts 1 & 2*

PRACTICAL IMMERSION | Thursday 20 July | 2:00 - 5:00pm
John Muir Laws
John Muir Laws
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Where Did It All Happen? - Ambleside & Campus Walk

AFTERNOON ACTIVITY | Thursday 20 July | 3:30 - 5:00pm
Deani Van Pelt
Deani Van Pelt
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Fully Resourced: Pulling Diverse Living Books, Things, and People into the Charlotte Mason Canon and Community

Springboard Conversation | Thursday 20 July | 7:30-8:30pm
Amber O'Neal Johnston
Amber O'Neal Johnston
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The Joys and Challenges of Leading a CM School Today

Springboard Conversation | Thursday 20 July | 7:30-8:30pm
Bobby Scott
Bobby Scott
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The Seven Ages: Possibilities for applying Mason’s pedagogy for formal and informal adult learning

Springboard Conversation | Thursday 20 July | 7:30-8:30pm
Joanna Stanberry
Joanna Stanberry
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Charlotte Mason Had No Kids: An Exploration of the Role of the Modern Homeschooling Parent

Springboard Conversation | Thursday 20 July | 7:30-8:30pm
Cori Dean
Cori Dean
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The History of Narration (and its future)

PANEL 4 | Friday 21 July | 9:00-10:30am
Barbara Lores
Barbara Lores
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The Narrative Abilities of Autistic Children and How to Support Them to Develop Narrative Skills

PANEL 4 | Friday 21 July | 9:00-10:30am
Weronika Ozpolat
Weronika Ozpolat
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The Goods of the Gods: The Gift of Narration

PANEL 4 | Friday 21 July | 9:00-10:30am
Shannon Whiteside
Shannon Whiteside
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The Goods of the Gods: Narrative in the 21st Century

PANEL 4 | Friday 21 July | 9:00-10:30am
Carroll Smith
Carroll Smith
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Narration of Heroic Becoming: Plugging into the Collective Unconscious

PANEL 5A | Friday 21 July | 11:00am -12:15pm
Patrick Egan
Patrick Egan
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The Storied Life of the Child - Narration and Meaning-making

PANEL 5A | Friday 21 July | 11:00am-12:15pm
Jack Beckman
Jack Beckman
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Narration in the Study of Law

PANEL 5B | Friday 21 July | 11:00am-12:15pm
Sean Maguire
Sean Maguire
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Making Citizens: Demonstrations of Participation as Narration Through Cases of Inclusive Creativity, Social Mobility, and Action Research

PANEL 5A | Friday 21 July | 11:00am - 12:15pm
Joanna Stanberry
Joanna Stanberry
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Learning Backwards, Living Forwards: Medical Education, Christian Narrative, and Virtue Formation

PANEL 5B | Friday 21 July | 11:00am - 12:15pm
Kimbell Kornu
Kimbell Kornu
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A Mental Transfiguration: The Consistent Use of Narration Develops Global, Relational Thinking

PANEL 5B | Friday 21 July | 11:00am - 12:15pm
Karen Glass
Karen Glass
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The Enduring Power of Stories and the Empowering Practice of Narration: Teaching Literature the Mason Way in Modern Day Britain

PANEL 5A | Friday 21 July | 11:00am - 12:15pm
Bethany Steventon
Bethany Steventon
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See session descriptions above.

Monday - Wednesday, July 17-19


Wednesday, July 19

WELCOME & PANEL 1: An Abundant Legacy
An Enduring Legacy

5:30 6:30pm
7:15 - 8:45 pm

Thursday, July 20

Charlotte Mason’s Out-of-Door Education
Nature Journaling Toward Relationship with John Muir Laws

7:00-8:45 am
8:00 - 8:20am 
8:45 - 10:30 am
11:00am - 12:00pm
2:00 - 3:00 & 3:30 - 5:00pm
5:30 - 6:30pm
7:30 - 8:30pm

Friday, July 21

Narration – a practice effective then and now?
Connections from and through Narration


7:00-8:45 am
8:00 - 8:20am 
8:45 - 10:30 am
11:00am - 12:15pm
12:30 - 1:30pm
Option 1: 2:00 - 5:30pm
Option 2: 2:00 - 3:00pm & 3:30 - 4:30pm
6:00 - 6:45PM
7:00 - 9:00pm

University of Cumbria (Co-host)

venue impression

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Interested in sponsoring? Reach out to conference@cminst.org for more information.

limited spots available

decide to join today!

Spots are limited, so register now! Affordable on-campus accommodation options are also available from July 14-July 24, 2023, for pre-conference visits and walking in the area. (Accommodation now sold out).